In the old testament of the bible it speaks of a massive sea serpent creature in the ocean. According to the bible, Leviathan was one of God’s creations. In the book of Job, God describes it as a giant marine dragon and a colossal monster.
He can’t be beaten by swords, arrows, spears, guns, tanks, missiles, and any other thing one Earth. His abilities range from full body shields, creation of enormous waves and whirlpools, giant teeth, and his size.
Leviathan was created to represent the power and might of God. He is asleep deep in the ocean and no person would ever want to wake him. While it is uncertain if the Leviathan is used in the bible for lessons or for a reference of a real creature made by God(which is unlikely because if it were real it would have made it almost impossible for the USA to have ever existed and it would have blocked trade with other places.)
Leviathan is mentioned in the bible in multiple places. They include, Job, Isaiah and Psalms.
In the book of Job, Leviathan is mentioned after God killed Job’s children and ruined his crops. He also cursed Job to have sores on his body. God does this because Satan believes that Job only worships God because God is good to Job. God disagrees and decided to take everything away from Job to show that he would still be loyal. In chapter 3 of Job, Job is thinking of giving up, even his wife told him to forget about God. In Job 3:8 Job says “May those who curse days curse that day, those who are ready to rouse Leviathan”. The entire chapter of Job 41 is dedicated to Leviathan.
Like said before if the Leviathan actually existed it would make crossing the ocean really, really hard, so hard that people probably would just avoid crossing the sea. This would have prevented the European Age of Exploration and would have reduced the chance of The United States even being established. This would also affect the development of technology. These are just two of the things that the Leviathan would affect if it is real.